some people may shy away from such taboo things as re-gifting. but no, not my friend christina! she confronts what many of us want to do, head on. that is by having a re-gift white elephant xmas exchange!
so in addition to having my first potato latkas (amazing by the way! who would have ever thought sour cream and apple sauce would work so good as a topping together too!) i also am the proud owner of a broken santa ornament, circa 2007.
i mean it was broken. little did the person who brought it know that im
super crafty. and i actually had a hot glue gun with me. why? cause that
just the kind of friends christina and i are.
so santa got his head reattached. the sharpy corrected the date (for some reason i crossed out the 7 and wrote an 9 by it... i simply failed to see how easily a 7 could be changed into an 8)
and i now have a new ornament for my tree, price tag and all!!!
other honorale mentions:
pig and monkey sling shot toys. you put your fingers in their front paws and fling them thru the air, and in doing so they squeal... no literally!! they oink and ? WHAT DO MONKEYS DO???
light up drink fountain.
note cards, a bath sponge, and cd set of bill clintons autobiography (cause these 3 things go so well together)
2 holiday pre-charged pez dispenser and a cigar.
and there are for sure more but i cant remember them! so this was an amazing start to the xmas gift giving season and i hope our foreign friends (representing sweden, germany, and belgium) enjoyed a random american holiday tradition.
oh and our poor explaination of the grinch. its hard to explain! try some time!
double oh and my jingle bells ear rings!!
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