need i say more?
well maybe... i am not obsesssed with defining and synoniming, despite the subjects of my last two bloggings
dear designer denim,
im a 5'8" women, which is considered tall. my leg is 37" from hip to heel (yes i measured). im wearing 2 1/2" wedges. i still cant find my feet. please advise.
lucky mom is a tailer
but really i think there are a few options for what happened here:
a) i got dressed in the dark
b) im just a crazy person and wanted to play the part
c) i know something about fashion that you dont yet
d) all of the above
oh. so its a feature at the rock climbing gym i went to last night. and it just so happened that kaitlyn and i were standing off to the side and saw it from the right angle for hilarity. and when i took the picture everyone looked at me like i was crazy...
wheew! D to the UNZO!
a place to put camera phone pictures and lifes little anecdotes